I’m a Proud GPU Scalper

Yes; I scalp graphics cards and I am proud of it. You, an upset privileged gamer, may cry out; “Why?” Well, it’s simply because I do not respect you gamers whatsoever, and here is why.

As a non-binary feminist, I experience way more harassment and oppression online than the average fencesitter cishet white person. I am brave and bold with what I say and when faced with oppression, I do not back down. While I am entitled to speak my mind without ridicule from cishet white people, that injustice still happens. That being said, the vast majority of discrimination I receive is from gamers.

I have many theories for why this happens; heterosexual parents, white privilege, etc. The most likely one however is simply the video games themselves. Generally speaking, all modern video games have incredibly harmful themes of misogyny, racism, transphobia, and more bigotry. Gamers, as a people, are extremely impressionable, as being unemployed/unsuccessful in life opens the doors to all sorts of strange ideologies. Just because they are weak-minded enough to be indoctrinated doesn’t excuse their behavior, however.

When you are around a system of oppression, you learn to get a good sense of opportunity. For example, NFT’s had a spike in popularity, so I invested. I am currently HODL’ing multiple NFT’s and I can see them being extremely valuable in the future. To think I will be even richer years from now, all because I was intelligent and attentive enough to find opportunities. I saw this with the ongoing GPU shortage as well, and as soon as the launch of the RTX 3080 I had made a bot to find in-stock GPUs and buy as many as possible. 

Not only have I been able to make thousands reselling the cards off of StockX and eBay, but also been able to deprive a critical component of a gaming PC for hundreds of gamers. The only people who can afford my prices are 9 times out of 10 a crypto-miner, who will run that card into the ground and probably resell it 4 years later to gamers who will only have it a year before it dies on them. In the event of that 1 time out of 10 that it is a gamer buying off of eBay, I will usually jack up the price specifically for them. I consider it reparations for all the emotional torment gamers have brought upon me.

My StockX payouts for October and November 2021 alone. Read ’em and weep.

So yeah, buy your $2,200 RTX 3090’s, $1,600 RTX 3080’s, your $1,000 RTX 3070’s, and your $700 RTX 3060’s. I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

55 thoughts on “I’m a Proud GPU Scalper

  1. You’re not non bianary, you’re a broad end of story. And no one respects you and I’m sure you’ve been tuned up a few times in your life bc of your personality.

    Sent from Mail for Windows

    Liked by 2 people

    1. First of all; yes I am non-binary, you are literally denying facts. Second of all; everyone who matters (not including you) respects me. I am probably quintupling your income right now on my side-hustles alone. What is your net worth?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No I don’t respect you… I guarantee most important people don’t respect you… and you don’t respect your parents so they don’t respect you either


      2. I don’t care if you don’t respect me. You aren’t important. As for my parents; I don’t look up to anybody because I am truly the best person I know, however both my moms love me very much regardless and are very supportive in my ventures.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. what if someone who is a POC, is trans, has homosexual or no parents, and is not impressionable does not like scalpers? What if they are not even a gamer and just want one of the cards to become one?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A gay POC trans-persxn would not want or need a graphics card. Even if they did, I am doing them a favor by not allowing them to play toxic video games. Voice/text chats in video games are very toxic and bigoted.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There is Video Games that are 1 Player and don’t have Voice Chats at all, I play those games. But I’ve also donated to several Feminist causes. Does this make me a “Toxic” gamer? (And before you call me “Whxte” because I play Video Games. 1. I am Black POC and 2. I play these games as a pastime.) Gamers who play Call of Duty and other violent games are very much a problem, as many players are Racists and Bigots. But saying Gamers as a whole are bigoted is somewhat disrespectful. What about the black people who create video games? What about the people who develop them? Video Games have given people jobs and livelihoods, just by doing the things they love! I’m not very big on playing Video Games anymore, as long ago I realized that playing Video Games is incredibly toxic, but if you do read this, please respond!


      2. Oh okay so you are easily offended and don’t can’t deal with anyone with different beliefs or wants, sounds like equality to me


      3. you arent doing them a favour you’re disallowing them an experience everyone should have, there are also so many people that have been looking to buy gpus for years and you just scalp them to make a profit because you’re “facing harassment”, “but oh you’re so privileged” no im not, most gamers are budget to medium gamers who’ve scraped up money over years to buy a gpu. and your whole argument about gay poc trans person not needing a graphics card is invalid, nobody needs a graphics card, not you, not me, but we WANT one. not all games are toxic. stop acting like you’re the cetner of the universe.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. That’s not exactly true. To be fair, it really is up to the game and it varies with each community, but to sum it up: not everyone in those communities are bad. I have tons of LGBTQ members on my Discord and I enjoy spending time with them over games. While I have heard some bigotry over voice chat, it’s not the overwhelming verdict, and as a non-binary gamer, I’m glad to have the community that I do as a support system.


    1. I know what you are trying to do. No, I am not going to give you my secrets so you can outcompete me. You think I’m stupid? 😊🖕


  3. Ehh… I don’t know… I’m a femboy yet i really like computers and maybe some games from time to time, maybe enough to call myself a “gamer” but like… Doing this just because some kids with internet access is kinda just… yeah… If it was just for the money then i guess that would be understandable, but like man… As games are becoming more demanding and prices are going up, it just makes me wish i could have gotten gpus back then, like the beautiful 1080, all i got was the GT 730 tho… But once a scalper starts even if they stop it already made a giant impact… As much as the vast majority of game enthusiasts can be toxic and annoying… There is a part of people that just want to be able to play games… This is just more of a useless vent than anything, but being that part of soft people who just want to play some games… Makes me feel kinda sad… But the good part even though it’s small, is that you did what you wanted and that’s alright… Anyways, as another dumb femboy, peace.


    1. Like I care if you couldn’t get a better GPU, you literally self-identify as a gamer in your post. I’m glad I’ve made a massive impact, just more people that can’t play video games and are more ethical and intelligent as a result. You aren’t “soft,” you have lost all innocence when you decided to become a gamer. You have become desensitized to violence that any normal member of society recognizes as horrific.

      Also you seem to referring to me scalping GPUs in the past tense, although I am still actively scalping GPUs as we speak and will continue doing so until it no longer keeps gamers from buying GPUs. Enjoy your GT 730.


  4. You’re not only fucking over people that just wanna play games, but also people that need gpus for their job. Like graphic designers, they rely more on those gpus than gamers so they can do their job.


    1. Graphic designers? What kind of value do graphic designers give to society? There are people working 14 hour work days in America and you expect me to feel bad for some remote working white collar worker who’s job title is literally making pictures? Those people should be working for free for progressive organizations like BLM due to how easy their job is. Then they would be finally providing something for society by helping out actually good movements and not corporate drones.


  5. you are actually really stupid, your pissing off a bunch of people because “video games are violent” like get a life and maybe a job you insufferable dumb****

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t deserve to endure the cruel working conditions of the modern American job. You think I want to sell 8 hours of my day just so I could probably get sexually harassed by my white male co-workers when they ask me to get a drink after work? I’m too intelligent to sell my expertise to a bunch of cishet white males so another cishet white male could take credit for my genius as I stay in an entry level position. All of my friends at r/antiwork would attest to this. So no, I won’t get a job and I will keep making $$$ by screwing over bigoted gamers that play violent video games.


      1. Everyone should have to work an 9-5 job. That is a reasonable amount of time to work. It’s lazy not to otherwise. Try contributing to society.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Are you stupid? You buy NFTs? You are gonna go broke with buying those. And scalping GPUs is stupid. Some people just want to have some fun and you ruin it. How do you sleep at night knowing that you sociopath? Also, you gave 3 grand to some random bitch on the internet? For all you know she could be some 20ish year old woman living in her parents basement spewing this feminist BS.


  7. Honestly what are you doing right now is just shamefull. You aren’t a victim, you can’t know how working really is…How you exactly know you’re gonna get harrased? Wdym gamers are unsuccesfull and unemployed? Have you watched any esports at your life? You can make thousands over thousands of dollars by being a pro gamer competing at a high level. Scalping gpus, and you think you’re doing something by that? If you do wanna contribute to the society why don’t you do something usefull and stop being a frustrated attention seeker online. And why are you so irritated on gamers? Are you on your period? This is how the online environment is, deal with it. Not everyone will be nice to you and neither you have to take them seriously. By that mentality you won’t get any further. You have prooved once again why you shall not get treated seriously. Congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey, nb gamer here 🙂 maybe instead of attacking a large group of people who have no common traits aside from “we play games”, we can instead focus on the specific titles of “transphobe” and “bigot” because I’ve found a large community of quite friendly people online who play online with me. The media of games, especially social ones, give their users a platform on which nothing can be held against them. As a result, a lot of transphobes who also happen to be gamers can say whatever they want without consequences. People in real life are just as likely to have the views of a transphobe, but they’re less likely to call you out.


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